In a sector that is predominantly male structured, Dr. Antoinette Goodrich has established her seat in this respect. Dr. Antoinette Goodrich is the personification of a woman who carries grace, pois, and an anointing all in the same vessel, she is defined as a woman of substance. Many gifts and talents were passed on to her by her mother Elder Sherryl Jones whom she attributes her strength and determination in life. The daughter and granddaughter of preaching women, she answered the call of God on her life in 1994 and was spiritually raised and nurtured by her grandmother the late Pastor Lillie Mae Jones. That nurturing developed a pining to expand her knowledge of the word of God, causing a rapid growth in her walk with Christ and ministry just the same. Dr. Antoinette Goodrich is a proud mother of four beautiful and gifted daughters, in which she relishes to be her greatest inspirations. As an author, she wrote her first book entitled On The Road To Destiny which was released in 2017, as well as her second book and new edition which was released in 2022. The transparency of her books continues to impact lives across this nation, who are facing life's dilemmas and have survived what was designed to destroy them. Having a gift never before unlocked, Dr. Goodrich was blessed to record and release two prayer and praise Tracks entitled “Do You See What I See” and “I Shall Recover All” in 2020. While yet on her road to destiny, Dr. Antoinette Goodrich would then do something unprecedented. With the help of the Lord, she became and currently is the CEO of THE SURVIVOR’S MOVEMENT LLC, and visionary of THE SURVIVORS GATHERING, yet even that isn't her final destination.
Amongst her many other accomplishments and the more to come, Dr. Antoinette Goodrich is a Board-Certified Christian Counselor, and will soon be launching, “Dr. G’s Creative Consultant. Dr. Antoinette Goodrich is known as a “Gospel Preacher”, who undoubtably embodies presence, delivers the word of God with exegetical context, revelatory insight, prophetic foresight, practicality and compassion. On September 30, 2000, Dr. Antoinette Goodrich received her License in Evangelism and on October 12, 2003, was ordained an Elder in the Lords’ Church by Archbishop Leonard Austin of London England. As the Lord continued to advance her in the Kingdom, Dr. Antoinette Goodrich was appointed an Overseer in the Lords’ Church by ArchBishop, Dr. Marlon E. Creft of The Pulse Church of High Point, N.C. Through observation of her faithful and diligent stewardship and service in various areas of the kingdom, Dr. Antoinette Goodrich continues to allow the yoke destroying anointing to challenge and change every door God ordains for her feet to walk through. As God told Joshua “I have given you every place that the sole of your foot treads”. Quick to smile and fueled by a passionate love of life, her family, herself, people, her ministry and her God, Dr. Antoinette Goodrich lives by the motto of “Defeat is already defeated and let God be glorified”.